It has been declared by RNI that “Registration for Online filling of Annual Statement 2014-2015 will be started from 25th March, 2015, like 2013-14 only online received Annual Statements will be accepted, online attached scanned copies of C.A certificate will be mandatory, no hard copy will be accepted.”
We are happy to share this fact with our members that in 2014 LIPA played pivotal role in online submission of Annual Statement of its members. There are 99660 newspapers and periodicals registered in RNI. It is mandatory to submit Annual Statement every year in RNI. But the number of publications those submitted Annual Statements ( the figure includes 256 misc. publications) were only 19,755. IN this figure LIPA helped near about 1000 publishers to submit their online AR free of cost. This was done under the technical Support of LIPA. Even when publishers find difficulty to log in due to CR problem in RNI, RNI assigned an operator to file AR of publisher in RNI campus on request of LIPA.
Lead India Publishers Association is again ready to serve for online filling of Annual Statement 2014-2015. We advise you to file your AR as early as possible. So that If you face any technical difficulty on CR of RNI than we could have sufficient time to communicate the problem. For more Information be in touch with
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